Food Works Video Premiere at Our Third Annual Spring Fundraiser!

The Food Works Crew is directing a short video about youth leadership and about their work as organic farmers which will premiere on March 12th at our Third Annual Spring Fundraiser! You don’t want to miss it so be sure to BUY your ticket NOW!

“I can see a huge transformation from the day I first walked into the office to now, being out on the farm. It’s more of a self-growth that I have seen within myself and I have also seen a growth within my family. So the things that you learn at Food Works don’t only stick with you, but they stick with the people you care about the most as well.”  Marshalia, Food Works Crew Leader.

Join us on March 12th to find out more about Food Works and the difference it is making for Marshalia, Esbeidi, Roman, Keegan and the rest of the Food Works Crew!

You can find all the information you need about our upcoming Third Annual Spring Fundraiser HERE!

We look forward to seeing you on March 12th, 2015!