Save the Date! Our 3rd Annual Spring Fundraiser is March 12th!

Join Village Gardens for our third annual spring fundraising event, an inspiring opportunity to celebrate and learn about Village Gardens’ work to create a more just and sustainable local food system in Portland. The evening will include community participant presentations highlighting program successes, dinner, speakers and a silent and live auction.

Event Details

  • Thursday, March 12 6:00-9:00pm
  • Bauccio Commons, University of Portland 

Funds raised at this event will be used to strengthen the work of Village Gardens through programs like Food Works which support youth becoming farmers and strong food system advocates,  assistcommunityleaderstooperatethe  Village Market, Portland’s first non-profit healthy corner store, develop powerful community organizers addressing community health through theCommunity Health Worker program, and strengthen channels for food access and  social capital through community gardens,  theurbanlivestock, our market gardener and micro-enterprise projects.